How To Find Social Security Number by Name And Date Of Birth For Free

How To Find Someone’s Social Security Number?

My name is Lance Casey and I am a private investigator.  For over the past 20 years I have been finding Social Security Numbers and sensitive, non-public information for attorneys, judgment collectors, business owners and people just like you.

Do You Need To Get Someone’s Social Security Number?

As long as you have a permissible purpose to get someone’s SSN, all we will need is their full name, age or date of birth and address.

Social Security Numbers ARE NOT Public Records And Should Be Kept Secure And Private. Social Security Numbers are Classified As Personally Identifiable Information, Such As Drivers License Numbers And Passport ID Numbers.

Do you have questions about how to get someone’s social security number?  Private Investigator Lance Casey is available to answer your questions.

Questions: Private Call/Text: (916) 312-3185

Can I Send A 1099 Without A Social Security Number
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Is It Legal To Search For Someone’s Social Security Number?

It’s Perfectly Legal, Under Certain permissible purposes like Child Support, Judgement Collection, 1099 Issuance, and Litigation.

How Do I Get Someone’s Social Security Number?

Each Social Security Number Search requires a detailed explanation, in writing, regarding the legal necessity for requesting this information. All clients ordering this search will be interviewed by a compliance investigator. This search will only return your subject’s social security number.

Find Someones SSN Today

Finding another person’s Social Security Number (SSN) can be a delicate and often complex process, typically permissible only under specific legal circumstances. SSNs are sensitive

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How To Find Someone's Social Security Number

how to find someone's Social security numberBuy Ebook

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Using our service is legal to find someone's social security number as long as you have a valid purpose.  Our website "How To Find Someone's Social Security Number" has no affiliation to Ssndob, Robocheck, Carding or Fullz.  You must have a valid purpose like debt recovery, child support, 1099 filling, etc to get someone's social security number. We may contact you and request supporting documents after you complete the order. How To Find Someone's Social Security Number is not a free service.