What is a SSN verification & lookup service?
Social Security Number Verification and Death Records reports contain where and when SSN was issued and whether it belongs to a living or deceased person
How To Find Someone’s Social Security Number
Search for your social security number online:
SSN Validator
As many as 10 million Americans a year are victims of identity theft. This is largely due to the large amount of personal information that is now available on the Internet.
The Social Security Number Registry is dedicated to protecting your identity by assisting you in locating improper uses of your social security number online. Once we locate your information online, we are able to provide help in getting this information taken offline.
To start your search, fill out the form below and click Submit. For your security we never ask for your social security number. We can perform our search using just your name and birth state.
What is a SSN Validator Search?
- Checks the SSA State of Issuance list to see what state the number was issued in if it was issued before June 25, 2011.
- Checks SSA records to see if the number has been issued as of June 25, 2011, the date of the SSA’s switch to Randomization.
- Checks the Social Security administration death master file of over 75 million death records to see if the SSN has been reported as belonging to a deceased person. Please note that due to a change in law, effective March 26, 2014 these records are no longer public record for a period of 3 years following the date of death. Until further notice, this site checks death records through March 25, 2014 only.
- Due to the SSA’s switch to “Randomization” on June 25, 2011, social security numbers issued after this date cannot be verified as having been issued or not. Please click here for further details on SSN Randomization.