How Do I Prove My FCRA Permissible Purpose To Get Someone’s Social Security Number Online?
How To Find Someone’s Social Security Number? Provided your subject is over 21 years old and has established credit (good or bad), this search is guaranteed to return their full social security number. Find Someone’s Social Security Number Lookup by State requires a detailed explanation, in writing, regarding the legal necessity for requesting this information. All clients ordering this search will be interviewed.
Social security number lookup
This is a restricted search and is not available to everyone. Without exception, anyone ordering this search will be interviewed before research begins. You may be required to provide supporting documentation proving the purpose and legality of the search.
Permissible purposes to find a social security number include:
* Work in conjunction with official government business. * Work in connection with identity fraud. * Work involving a fraud investigation. * Work in a civil or criminal investigation, and the social security number is NECESSARY to your investigation. * Requested by competent court to determine whether defendant is currently in active military. * Required for debt collection, judgment recovery, child support and wage garnishment. * Required for issuance of a 1099 or other official tax document to the Internal Revenue Service.
The following documents will assist us is determining if you have a valid permissible purpose.
- Copy of judgment paperwork
- Birth Certificate
- Death Certificate
- Proof of payment to 1099 contractor
- Proof of debt owed
- Any documentation you can provide to prove permissible purpose.